This Little Light
Years ago, I spoke to a group of ladies at church about scattering sunshine. It’s easy to spread love and joy when you’re happy, right?
But what if you aren’t happy or are in the midst of a rough patch? What then?
My answer is this—everyone (yes, everyone, even you) has something to offer. What is it that we see in darkness?
That light may be small, but it is always there.
When you feel like you don’t have light to share, you do, even if it’s the tiniest light. Each time you do that, your light will grow and bless those around you.
And that darkness you face? That will fade and morning will come again. You’ll look back and think, I made it! You will be able to recognize that in others and be their light through their darkness. Even when you feel like you don’t have sunshine to share, the tiniest bit will suffice and God will cover the rest.
Share your light! Follow those little promptings and thoughts to brighten someone’s day. You never know when YOU are an answer to a prayer, when YOU said or did something that meant the world to someone else.
Sending you love and light!